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Modern Family: Five Minutes Mitch and Cam fight the effects of sleeping pills while rushing to catch a flight Haley and Rainer re-evaluate their relationship Phil and Claire meet Alexs new boyfriend when they pay her a surprise


29.03.24 Fri 00:00 00:30

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Die Show-Biz-Leute (Teil 1). Eine tourende Varieté-Show macht halt im Camp und bringt ein wenig Abwechslung in den Alltag. Plötzlich benötigt der Star der Show eine Notoperation.


28.03.24 Th. 17:50 18:20

Modern Family: Pig Moon Rising Mitchell accidentally knocks over an urn containing the ashes of Cams beloved pet pig Lilly Cam tries to catch Mitchell in a lie.


28.03.24 Th. 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Finding Fizbo After seeing an online video of his Fizbo costume being desecrated Cam sets out to restore the characters good name Phil meets his soon-to-be stepbrother Manny enlists Gloria Claire and Haley to do a


28.03.24 Th. 00:00 00:30

Animal Control: Big Dogs and Mini Horses Frank is frustrated when Emily who is a stickler for rules accompanies him on an official Animal Control ride-along Shred and Patel become owners of their flip house and want to celebrate by throwing


27.03.24 Wed 21:02 21:32

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Ein fabelhafter Gedanke. Das M*A*S*H-Team erreicht ein Brief von Radar. Er schreibt, dass es ihm hervorragend gehe und die Farm gute Gewinne erziele. Trotzdem vermisse er seine Kollegen. Hawke


27.03.24 Wed 17:50 18:20

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Weiter so, Hochwürden. Kardinal Rearden hat seinen Besuch angekündigt. Father Mulcahy gerät in Panik, denn der Geistliche will bereits in zwei Tagen erscheinen und es ist noch nichts vorber


27.03.24 Wed 17:25 17:50

Modern Family: Heavy Is the Head Phil rethinks his original dream after realizing his property investment with Jay might turn out to be a bust Cam lands in the hospital due to a head injury Gloria surprises Claire with a day of luxur


27.03.24 Wed 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Basketball NBA stars Charles Barkley and DeAndre Jordan attend the charity basketball game Phil is playing in Glorias nemesis tries to shame her for lack of support at Mannys school Claire tries to keep a work m


27.03.24 Wed 00:00 00:30

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Gesundheit, Hawkeye. Tag und Nacht muss Hawkeye niesen. Während jeder seiner Freunde einen anderen Tipp hat, was er dagegen tun soll, ist der Chirurg einfach nur genervt. Potter schließt dar


26.03.24 Tue 17:50 18:20

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Mit unangenehmer Wirkung. Sehnsüchtig wird der Nachschub für die Malaria-Prophylaxe erwartet. Als die Versorgungslaster endlich eintreffen, sind zunächst alle enttäuscht. Das benötigte Me


26.03.24 Tue 17:25 17:50

Modern Family: Do It Yourself Phil talks Jay into investing in a property he has long wanted to develop Claires culinary ventures aren t as successful as she thinks Cam and Mitchell try to teach Lily the value of hard work.


26.03.24 Tue 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Ringmaster Keifth Cam wants to throw a New Years Day feast for the family Phils father arrives with his new girlfriend who happens to be Phils childhood baby sitter Gloria and Jay must decide who will look after little


26.03.24 Tue 00:00 00:30

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Zuviel des Guten. Eine Krankenschwester und Freundin von Hot Lips verursacht im Operations-Zelt beinahe eine totale Katastrophe. Während der OP scheint sie die ganze Zeit unter Alkoholeinflus


25.03.24 Mon 17:50 18:20

Modern Family: Halloween 4: The Revenge of Rod Skyhook The Dunphys try to kick-start Lukes Halloween party Cam confronts his Halloween nemesis Jay plans to go to a party at an old enemys home to deliver an unforgettable trick.


23.03.24 Sat 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: Grab It Phil considers becoming a member at Jays favorite refuge Claire is mistaken about her influence on Alexs choices Cam holds back on telling Mitchell what his play is really about.


23.03.24 Sat 00:00 00:30

Modern Family: Weathering Heights Phil is excited when hes invited to appear in a real estate segment for the local news Phil meets his weatherman hero Rainer Shine Jay tries to improve Mannys video interview for a college application


22.03.24 Fri 00:30 01:00

Modern Family: A Stereotypical Day Jay wants to make a good impression on a family moving in across the street Manny tries to attract a radical thinker the Dunphy family uses Alexs bout of mono to its advantage Cam and Mitchell try to


22.03.24 Fri 00:00 00:30

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Bei Hitze nicht schlafen. Alle leiden unter einer Hitzewelle. Hot Lips bekommt Pickel an einer delikaten Stelle und versucht, diskret Medikamente zu erhalten. Durch einen blöden Zufall erfäh


21.03.24 Th. 17:50 18:20

M.A.S.H M*A*S*H Operation Freundschaft. B.J. leidet an einer seltsamen Verletzung am Arm, doch niemand im Lazarett mag eine genaue Diagnose stellen. Um dem Chirurgen zu helfen, fordert Colonel Potter extra ei


21.03.24 Th. 17:30 17:50
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